Firstly, love and greetings to all - I've been lurking here and elsewhere for a long time and have benefitted more than I can say. I'm still in - I have a genuine fear that coming out would kill my mother - but I've recently taken the first step away. I told a non-JW friend that I knew it was all a load of nonsense and I didn't believe any of it. Since then I've celebrated her birthday and entered the lottery!
I've been trying to get others to think over the years without giving myself away. I have three rules I try to follow :- 1) Only use scriptures and examples from the NT as far as possible 2) Emphasize Jesus and being a christian as much as possible 3) Never use the term "faithful and discreet slave" unless I am reading it - always call them the governing body because that is what they are - the managers of a business! I've also managed to slip a few thoughts in over the years - I once discussed how the 14th century fit the last days in a public talk.